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Join us as we work towards disrupting educational disadvantage in Queensland

We’re asking for your help to build a brighter future for the next generation by supporting The Queensland Commitment Fund this UQ Giving Day. Every gift to this fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the University, doubling your impact.

Your donation will support talented young people like Gemma, a Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) student. Gemma grew up on a cattle and grain farm in Pittsworth, Queensland where her family has been impacted significantly by drought and devastating hailstorms in recent years.

Gemma knows first-hand that you can’t be what you can’t see. It wasn’t until her older brother Jeffery became the first person in their family to attend university – with the support of the UQ Young Achievers Program – that she realised it was something she could strive for, too.

“My brother’s my role model. If he could do it, I knew I could do it,” said Gemma.

Following in his footsteps at UQ, Gemma was awarded the Frazer Family Young Achievers Scholarship, which supported her to start her journey at a UQ college.

Every gift has impact

Through the Young Achievers Program and other initiatives, gifts to The Queensland Commitment Fund can open doors for young people like Gemma.

“After I was accepted for this award, the relief that I experienced was indescribable. I couldn’t believe that I could now navigate university from the comfort and security of a college that was only 50 metres from campus,” said Gemma.

But a scholarship means so much more to students than financial support. It means that someone has your back.

“It really gives you that encouragement that other people believe in you,” said Gemma, who is now pursuing her passion for genetics and considering a PhD in the field.

The difference you can make

Make a gift of $20.22 to recognise the year The Queensland Commitment launched.

Make a donation of $4XXX to show your support through your QLD postcode.

Make a gift of $203.20 to recognise the year 2032, when we hope to make The Queensland Commitment a reality!

Support The Queensland Commitment Fund this UQ Giving Day

Thanks to the support of generous donors, Gemma got the boost she needed to follow her dreams.

We hope you’ll consider joining us in helping students like Gemma to realise their full potential through the transformative power of a world-class tertiary education.

About the different elements of your written content

  • Call to Action (20 words): This is your elevator pitch! Why are donations to this fund needed/necessary? This is an opportunity to drive potential donors to contribute! Feel free to include multiple calls to action, if you like.

  • Fund Description (100 words):
    • This is an opportunity to dive into the ‘bread and butter’ of the fund and share about the impact to the overarching community. We encourage you to use a story telling approach, as many donors respond to funds where can make an emotional connection.
    • The content within the priority fund description should give the reader a full understanding of the fund. You should include information about what the fund is supporting, why there is a need for additional funding, an introduction to the associated unit, and the background or success of the fund to date.
  • Impact Statement/Quote (100 words): If you have impact statements or quotes from students/researchers/beneficiaries of the fund, please include them! This is an opportunity to appeal to a donor's emotions, and to demonstrate how past gifts have been used.
    • Please ensure you have permission from the person quoted to use their quote and list their name and title in UQ promotions. 
  • Fund Specific Goals: Do you or your team have any specific goals that you would like to achieve for giving day this year? If so, please share details here, as they could help tie in additional messaging for fundraising. What goals (big and small) will funds raised on giving day help to achieve?

  • Info About External Matching Donors: Do you or your team have or expect any external matchers identified to boost participation and dollars? If so, please share details here (if unconfirmed, general information is fine), we can help draft content to talk about matching opportunities for your fund.

  • Social impact and tangible examples (encouraged): A potential donor should see that any size of gift will make an impact. Please provide at least four ways a gift could make an impact. Feel free to adjust the size of donation to best fit your need.
    • $50 will/could ________
    • $100 will/could ________
    • $500 will/could ________
    • $1000 will/could ________

  • Custom Donation Levels (encouraged):  If you have any notable numbers associated with your fund, consider including these figures as a part of your ask! For example, if your fund represents a school that was established in 1979 then you could have an ask level as $19.79 or $197.90 or $1,979!

  • Fund Keywords: Please populate up to 10 keywords associated with your fund. If you don’t know how to get started Wordstream is a great (and free!) tool where you can pop in any existing URL to generate top keyword searches. 

Image Specifications

  • Do’s
    • High-res images preferred, we can reduce the image size from your large file
    • Follow the dimension requirements as outlined
    • Name your images clearly
  • Don’ts
    • Do not include text or logos on any of your images – this is against UQ style and web accessibility guidelines.
    • Do not provide a close-up images of faces or objects

  • Banner Image: We recommend that your banner is simple, not too busy, avoiding close ups on faces/structures. Due to the fund text box overlay, the visible area of the photo is roughly half the size of the banner image. 
    • Dimensions: 1800 x 450 (higher res 3600x900) Visible Area: 1800x250
  • Fund Preview Image: The fund preview image will be cropped with a circle frame and recommend that the content you want seen to start with specific margins. 
    • Dimensions: 1000x1000 but the content within 750x750
  • Image Gallery (including videos): If you provide multiple images, they will automatically be made into a scrolling carousel.
    • Dimensions: 850x850
  • Videos (optional): The video will be placed first in the gallery line-up.
    • To include a video on your campaign page, a YouTube link with the published video is required. 

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!