frequently asked questions

Yes! Gifts from organisations are welcome.

Yes, 100% of your gift will go towards your selected cause.

Yes – there’s no need to adjust your time zone to take part! Our UQ Giving Day platform is open for donations from (AEST) 12:00am 2 October until 11:59pm 20 October. We hope you find a time in which suits you!

Yes! We welcome all to sign up to become a Giving Day Ambassador! We would love for you to register as a Giving Day ambassador our passionate group to spread the word about your selected giving day cause!


The University of Queensland (UQ) collects the information you provided on the donation form for the purpose of collecting and administering your gift. UQ will also use this information to keep in touch with you regarding the impact of your donation, appeals, events and other engagement opportunities.

Where your gift is in support of an external UQ affiliate, UQ will disclose the information you provide to that affiliate for the above purposes. UQ will not disclose this information to a third party without your agreement, except in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and other relevant privacy laws.

For further information, please refer to the University’s Privacy Management Policy.

Causes Eligible for university matching

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Endowment

AIBN Cancer Vaccine Research

Alastair Rushworth Alzheimer’s Endowment

Allied Health, Nursing & Dentistry Scholarship

Alumni Friends Fund

Business, Economics and Law Student Scholarship

CoralWatch (Youth Ambassador Program)

Dee Bradshaw Travel Scholarship

Diversity in Economics Scholarship

Business, Economics and Law Student Scholarship

Friends of Antiquity - Classics and Antiquities Fund

Global Chinese Alumni Association Fund (UQGCAA)

Hong Kong Alumni Excellence Prize

Human Movement & Nutrition Sciences Golden Jubilee Fund

IMB Cardiovascular Research

Inspiring Australia Queensland

International Students Community Scholarship

JD Adams Scholarship Endowment Fund

LGBTQIA+ Bursary

Pro Bono Centre

QAAFI - First Nations Agribusiness Research Fund

QBI Brain Research Endowment Fund

School of Education Scholarships

School of Music

School of Veterinary Science Student Placement Support

Science Leaders Scholarship

The Queensland Commitment Fund

The Queensland Commitment Staff Scholarship

The Women in Action

UQ Art Museum - Greatest Needs

UQ Library Greatest Needs

UQ Singapore Alumni Fund

UQ South Pacific Islander Association Scholarship Fund

UQ Touch Football Association Scholarship

UQ Ventures Entrepreneurship Scholarship

Women's Cancer Research

Wonder of Science